
The male circle of the Grail Knights is in crisis. Time and again, knights desert to the counter-realm of the sorcerer Klingsor, who had previously been rejected by the circle of knights. With the help of seductive women, above all Kundry, he succeeds in bringing down the knights. He is even able to tempt the Grail King Amfortas into a misstep. He steals his sacred spear and inflicts an incurable wound. As a result, Amfortas' ritual duty of unveiling the Grail has become an ordeal. Only a pure fool is destined to undo the Grail King's fall from grace and reverse its devastating consequences.
Director, Staging, Costumes
Ki­rill Se­reb­renni­kov
Phi­lip­pe Jor­dan
Lighting Design
Franck Evin
Ev­ge­ny Ku­lagin
Stage design
Ol­ga Pav­li­uk
Costume design
Ta­ti­ana Dol­ma­tovs­ka­ya
Video & Photo Designer
Alek­sei Fo­kin
Yurii Ka­rih
Fight Master
Ran Art­hur Brown
Ser­gio Mo­rabi­to
Mi­cha­el Na­gy
Franz-Jo­sef Se­lig
Wolf­gang Bankl
Kla­us Flo­ri­an Vogt
De­rek Wel­ton
Eka­teri­na Gu­bano­va
Ni­kolay Si­doren­ko

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The Wij
Perfomance, 18+
DIRECTOR, STAGE, COSTUMES: Ki­rill Se­reb­renni­kov
AUTHOR: Boh­dan Pank­ruk­hin
may 5, 17, 19
COMPOSER: Dmit­ri Shos­ta­kovich
DIRECTOR: Ki­rill Se­reb­renni­kov
may 11, 14, 17, 21